Being a dog parent, you will want your puppy to get the best possible nutrition from their foods.
If you are running low on dog food or want to give your pup a quick treat, some vegetables in your kitchen cabinets may also work as a substitute!
However, not all vegetables safe for humans are necessarily safe for dogs. You may be curious as to which vegetables dogs can eat. Well, read on to find out!
What Cooked Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?

Some vegetables are safe for your dog to eat, such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and celery, but not all vegetables should be eaten raw. Some should be served cooked.
You should steam, bake, roast, boil or blanch vegetables that you want to feed your dog.
AKC mentions sweet potatoes and potatoes should never be fed raw to your dog. They can be difficult to chew and toxic to your pup. Always serve them boiled or steamed.
Other vegetables such as sweet corn (cut off the cob), garden peas, and green beans can also be cooked and served to your dog. Just remember to avoid using salt as it can be dangerous for your dog!
What Fiber Foods Can Dogs Eat?
Just like in humans, foods high in fiber can be healthy for your pup.
They can help maintain the health of their gastrointestinal system and help prevent diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and irritable bowel syndrome. (Source:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Bureau)
6 vegetables serve as excellent fiber foods safe for your dog to eat are:
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Green beans
- Carrots
- Kelp, which is actually a sea vegetable, is also high in fiber and can be incredibly nutritious for your dog.
Is Corn Good For Dogs To Eat?

According to The American Kennel Club, corn is safe for dogs to eat. Corn can also help with some of the critical nutritional needs of your pup since it is filled with protein, carbohydrates, fibers, and antioxidants.
Corn is already considered a key component in a variety of dog foods. It is, after all, one of the most widely produced crops globally, inexpensive and readily available.
Just be careful to remove the corn from the cob before serving it to your pup. Your dog may end up ingesting the corn comb along the corn, which can become a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockage.
Can Dogs Eat Carrots Cooked?

Dogs can eat carrots, both raw and cooked. Carrots are, in fact, a great nutritious add-on to your puppy's meal.
Steaming or baking carrots is an excellent way to prepare them for your dog. Steaming carrots can actually help enhance their flavor without losing their nutritional value.
While feeding carrots to your dog, always make sure to cut them up into smaller bite-sized chunks, so they don't become a choking hazard for your dog.
At What Age Can Dogs Eat Carrots?
For puppies that reach the 8-week mark and finally start ingesting solid foods, you can safely serve them carrots. But always steam the carrots and cut them into smaller pieces; never serve them raw.
When they grow up to four or six months of age, you can then feed them raw carrots, cut into smaller portions.
Can A Dog Eat Too Many Carrots?
Carrots fed in moderation can be safe for dogs. But if your dog over-consumes carrots, they may become unhealthy.
As a rule of thumb, only feed your dog one whole carrot or two to three smaller baby carrots a day. Always chop them up or serve them steamed, so they are safe for your pup to eat.
Can Dogs Eat Carrots Daily?
Carrots are a tasty, healthy, and easily affordable addition to your dog's meals. What's more, they are safe for your dog to eat daily.
As long as you cut the carrots into bite-sized portions and don't cross the one-carrot-a-day limit, they should be safe for your pup!
Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms From The Garden?
Letting your dog eat wild mushrooms from the garden or when out on a walk is not safe for your dog. You should take your canine to the veterinarian immediately since some types may lead to kidney or liver failure.
Since it may be difficult to identify the type of mushroom your dog ate, you should avoid them altogether.
Store-bought mushrooms are the only mushrooms you should be letting your dog ingest. Again, not all mushrooms will be safe. Selective types such as portabella, porcini, morel, and shiitake are safe for your dog to eat.
Are Vegetables Fattening For Dogs?
Vegetables aren't fattening for dogs but are healthy and can help them lose weight.
If you have an overweight dog at home, low-salt and low-sugar vegetables can even help them lose weight. Just be sure they don't make up more than 10%-25% of your dog's daily food intake.
Also, if you are planning on making them a permanent part of your dog's diet, be sure to consult with a veterinarian first.
What Vegetables Can Cats And Dogs Eat?
If you are a proud parent of both a canine and a feline, you may want to serve vegetables to both your cat and dogs as a treat.
Vegetables such as carrots, peas, cucumbers, cooked sweet potatoes, broccoli, squash, and green beans are safe for your dogs and cats to eat. Just remember to serve them in moderation.
What Vegetables Are Good For Constipation?
Increasing the dietary fiber in your dog's diet is a great way to help treat constipation. Fiber helps move dry stool along the intestines and increases gut motility.
7 Vegetables that all fiber-rich foods that can be good for constipation:
- Broccoli
- Cauliflowers
- Green beans
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Kale
According to DMV, Carol Osborne, the recommended serving size is one tablespoon of these foods (ground) per 25-30 pounds of your dog's weight served 1-2 times daily.
What Vegetables Can A Dog Not Eat?
Not all vegetables are safe for your dog to eat. Some vegetables can be toxic for dogs or may be difficult for them to digest.
1. Avocados, for instance, contain a toxin called Persin that can lead to diarrhea, sickness, and breathing problems in dogs.2. Wild mushrooms can prove to be poisonous or may cause vomiting.
3. Onions and garlic can destroy your dog's red blood cells.
4.The leaves of rhubarb can cause damage to the nervous system and kidneys; it may be toxic for most pets.
5.Raw potatoes contain solanine which can cause vomiting and diarrhea (cooking them reduces the level of solanine and makes them safe to eat).
6.Eggplant, a part of the nightshade family, can cause allergic reactions in dogs.
What Vegetables Can A Dog With Pancreatitis Eat?
Pancreatitis means that your dog's pancreas is swollen and painful. It is usually caused by excessive dietary fat or when your dog eats foods he shouldn't.
Since what your dog consumes is the primary cause of pancreatitis, you will want to pay close attention to his diet.
You can serve your dog:
- cooked sweet potatoes
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- winter squash
- peas
- carrots
These are the best vegetables for dogs with Pancreatitis.
Just be sure to consult your veterinarian about the recommended serving sizes of vegetables to include in the meals.
How To Make Vegetable Soup For Dogs? (Note Dogs Can’t Have Onion or Garlic)
Vegetable soup can be very healthy for your dog! It is filled with healthy vitamins, fiber, minerals, and digestive enzymes.
(Just be sure to avoid adding onions or garlic into your dog's broth or soup as they can damage their red blood cells.)
Some essential ingredients you can add to your soup include
- Cucumbers
- Ripe tomatoes
- Bell peppers
- Low sodium organic vegetable broth (or low sodium chicken/feed broth).
You can also add some seasonal vegetables such as:
- Kale
- Spinach
- Carrots
- Potatoes/sweet potatoes
- Broccoli
- Green beans, or Brussels sprouts.
Remove the skins of your vegetables if needed and add them into a food processor with broth. Grind until they form a smooth soup-like consistency. Finally, serve the vegetable soup to your dog at room temperature!
How To Make Vegetable Broth For Dogs?

Store-bought vegetable broth may include ingredients that aren’t always organic and are filled with preservatives, seasonings, and salts. Broths that claim to be low-sodium may still contain higher salt levels.
The best option is to make your soup broth at home.
To make your vegetarian soup for dogs, all you need is some puppy-friendly vegetables such as:
- Carrots
- Celery
- Broccoli,
- Potatoes
- Cabbage stalks, along with some water.
- Add your ingredients into a large stock pot and let it boil.
- Once the mix comes to a boil, let it simmer at a low flame for 45 minutes.
- Then strain the vegetables from the mix, so you are left with organic, puppy-friendly broth!
How To Make Vegetable Dog Chews?
If you want to make a healthy, yummy snack that you can feed your puppy when he’s been a good boy, here is a recipe you don’t want to miss out on!
- You will need one large sweet potato, peeled and cut into ¼-inch slices.
- Preheat your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Take a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and place your sweet potato slices onto the sheet.
- Bake for 1 hour before you turn them over, and bake for another 1.5 hours.
- Finally, let the treats cool down, and they are ready to eat!