Cats are adorable creatures but their hair can be a huge nuisance to deal with. Nearly all cats shed, some a lot more than others. Shedding hair helps cats remove dead hair from their bodies. Several factors, such as the cat's environment and seasonal changes, can influence how much cats shed.
However, if you are looking for a cat that doesn’t shed too much, there are several felines that will interest you.
Check out some of the top 8 cats you can keep as a pet that shed the least:
Table of Contents-Cats
Top 8 Cats That Shed The Least
How Often Do Cats Shed Their Fur?When Do Cats Shed The Least?
Do Indoor Cats Shed Less?
Do Cats Shed Less If You Bathe Them?
What Cat Sheds The Most?
How Can I Reduce Cat Hair In My House?
Is There A Long-Haired Cat That Doesn't Shed?
Are There Hypoallergenic Cats That Don't Shed?
Which Cats Act Like Dogs And Don't Shed?
Final Thoughts
Top 8 Cats That Shed The Least
1. Siberian

The Siberian cat is an agile, athletic, and powerfully built cat best known for their semi-long hair. They weigh between 12-25 pounds and can grow to about 30 cm tall (11.81").
Their large furry coat is incredibly dense and warm since they originate from the icy northern regions of Siberia.
But despite their large coats, they shed considerably less than other felines. The only time they do shed is twice a year, in spring and autumn.
Besides this, don't expect them to leave a trail of hair everywhere they sit. The rest of the year will have them shedding little to none at all.
2. Siamese
The Siamese are long, and graceful felines. They are a striking breed, incredibly affectionate and social, and can easily adjust to any family they join. You will also find them to be very energetic, playful, and curious.
They are also among the few breeds that shed much less than other cats. They will only shed the occasional fur twice a year when the seasons change, nothing that can't be managed easily.
You can simply give them the occasional combing or brushing to remove stray hair.
3. Burmese

The Burmese cat is an active, curious breed and an excellent jumper. They love to play around and are incredibly social and loving cats. Their coats come in shades of chocolate, brown, red, and blue.
Their coats also do not shed as much as other cats and demand little maintenance. You will only have to be careful around shedding seasons in the spring and fall, during which their short silky coats may require a bit more regular brushing.
4. Sphynx

Next up is the classic Spyhnx cat. This is an energetic, loving, and attention-craving cat; be sure to give this cat lots of love!
These cats have a naturally occurring genetic mutation that causes hairlessness. Some sphynx cats are completely bald while others have short peach-fuzz hair over their body or in select areas.
They are undoubtedly one of the easiest cats to maintain due to their general lack of hair.
However, this also makes them more sensitive to the cold and the sun, so be sure to keep them indoors. They may even get sunburnt if left out in the sun for too long.
5. LaPerm
The LaPerm is a considerably clever feline and something of a mischief-maker. You’ll find them to be quite entertaining and enjoyable to have around.
You can easily spot them from their curly and wavy coats. “LaPerm” roughly translates to wavy or rippled. This is quite an apt name, considering their distinctive, waxy hair.
Their coats tend to shed considerably little and do not require much maintenance. They may shed only during the shedding season when a thicker layer of fur grows into their coat.
6. Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex is a tall, slender cat with a strong chin, a narrow head, and large ears atop the crown. These are bubbly, curious felines that are incredibly social and assimilate into their home rather quickly.
They are best recognized by their short curly coats, which are ridiculously soft to the touch. Their short wavy hair sheds very little and requires little grooming.
7. Bengal
The Bengal cat is an exotic, agile, and athletic cat with a strong muscular body. They are best recognized by their leopard-print-like coats in brown, silver, and snow shades.
Their coats aren’t just brightly colored; they are also extremely soft to the touch. The Bengal cat has short, dense fur that requires only the occasional weekly brushing to keep this cat well-maintained.
They also shed very little; some barely shed at all. They will only shed through the autumn and spring seasons, also in very low quantities.
8. Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a calm, affectionate, and curious breed. They can be a bit shy at first but are just as playful and loving once they get used to you. You can recognize them by their velvety coats that come in shades of bluish-gray and silver.
While their coats do tend to be thick, they hardly shed. You will only have to brush their coats once or twice a week. However, you may have to do this more frequently during the shedding season.
How Often Do Cats Shed Their Fur?
Answer: Cats tend to shed their hair every day, but the amount of fur they shed depends heavily on their breed, genetic makeup, environment, and seasonal changes.
Cats will shed the most once or twice a year during shedding season, typically in the months of spring and autumn.
During fall, they prepare for winter by growing a thicker coat and shedding the old ones.
In spring, they shed to lose their heavy winter coat.
When Do Cats Shed The Least?
Answer: Cats tend to shed the most during the warmer seasons and less during the winter. They lose the heavier winter coat to prepare for the coming warmer summer.
By the time winter comes around, the temperature will drop and days will get shorter. The shorter days will trigger your cat's body to slow down its natural shedding cycle.
Your cat will also spend more time indoors and less time in the outside sun, which also triggers this change.
Do Indoor Cats Shed Less?
Answer: Indoor cats shed in small amounts compared to outdoor cats throughout the year. This is because of the artificial lighting inside the home and the generally cooler temperature.
Other environmental factors, such as excessive dirt, debris, and oils, can also lead to more shedding. Indoor cats are safe from these external factors and therefore shed less.
Do Cats Shed Less If You Bathe Them?
Answer: If you have a cat at home that tends to shed a lot, try bathing them. Bathing can help reduce shedding in cats.
Showering will help wash away dead skill cells and loose hair, so they don't shed as much around the home afterward.
However, you should avoid bathing your cat too often as it can dry out its skin.
What Cat Sheds The Most?
Answer: Many cats tend to shed a lot, particularly long-haired cats. The most popular types include Persian cats, Maine Coons and Ragdolls.
Their coats demand a lot more maintenance, regular combing, and brushing to reduce shedding around the home.
How Can I Reduce Cat Hair In My House?
Answer: There are many ways you can reduce cat hair around your home.
- One of the best ways is to regularly brush your cat. Brushing your cat's hair will remove any loose hair before it goes to your floor and furnishing. Washing your cat may give the same effect, but there is always a risk of you drying out their skin if you wash them often. This is why it is recommended that you stick to simple combing and brushing.
- You can also use lint rollers to remove cat hair from your clothing and home surfaces.
- You should also feed your cat a high-quality, nutritionally balanced diet, so she grows a healthier coat that doesn't shed as easily.
Another option is getting your cat shaved if hygiene for the cat becomes a problem
For more tips on removing cat hair around the house, watch this video.
Is There A Long-Haired Cat That Doesn't Shed?
Answer: The LaPerm breed we mentioned is best known for its long-haired coats. Despite having long hair, they do not shed as easily as other cats.
Like the LaPerm, the Siberian cat has semi-long hair but does not shed that often.
Are There Hypoallergenic Cats That Don't Shed?
Answer: There are several rare hypoallergenic cats that also don't shed. Hypoallergenic cats are those that produce fewer allergens than other cats.
These cats are perfect for people who are allergic to cats but would love to have one.
3 of the most popular choices in this category are:
- the Siberian cats
- the Sphinx
- Cornish Rex